4to40 Press Release

4to40 Press Conference: National Disability Employment Awareness Month recognized at the University of Regina

The University of Regina hosted a Press Conference on October 28th, 2016 in celebration of 4to40 and the National Disability Employment Awareness Month. The event was attended by over 100 employers, community leaders, partners and 4to40 job seekers.

We are proud to have Dr. Vianne Timmons, President of the University of Regina, Michael Hoffart, President & CEO of Farm Credit Canada, and Hon. Laura Ross, MLA for Regina Rochdale, support our efforts to increase employment opportunities for all those we serve.

You are true champions of inclusion!

4to40 Press Conference Vianne Timmons4to40 Press Conference4to40 Press Conference 24to40 Press Conference FCC

4to40 News ReleaseLink to the UofR Article: Celebrating Campus For All

Link to CKRM Article: University of Regina celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month

For more information on Inclusive Employment, visit: www.4to40.ca