Gentle Teaching Stories:
“I am more aware of how to treat others with unconditional love and respect.”
July 25, 2023/inBlog, Gentle Teaching, Stories
Gentle Teaching Stories:
Gentle Teaching has significantly transformed myself, and the person I aspire to be. When I started at COR roughly four years ago, I was excited to support individuals with disabilities. Yet, I was somewhat confused as to how Gentle Teaching would work and how supporting without restraints would be possible. I quickly learned that the most important aspect was, and is, the relationship built between supports and the individuals we support.
The notion of love and safety has always been important in my life as I was raised to love and respect everyone. Although, this wasn’t emphasized to the extent that Gentle Teaching preaches. Gentle Teaching supports the idea of unconditional love and to live a life that continues to express love to every person one encounters.
For example, growing up I would volunteer by giving back to communities less fortunate than I was. Through this experience I was taught to serve others and the importance of assisting those in need. Now with the trainings and understanding of Gentle Teaching, I am more aware of how to treat others with unconditional love and respect.
Currently, I practice Gentle Teaching through everyday actions between myself and strangers, classmates, friends, family, my partner and the individuals I support. These interactions are unique to the person and the type of relationship we have made — I believe that these relationships have become more profound since I have been introduced to and have begun to implement the notion of Gentle Teaching. Overall, I believe I have become a more open and loving person as a result of the Gentle Teaching trainings and through applying what I have learned to my work and everyday life. I plan to continue to use Gentle Teaching in my life and aspire to be recognized as a person who spreads positivity and kindness through treating others with love and respect.
COR family member