Gentle Teaching Stories:
“I have become more compassionate, kind and patient towards the ones I love.”
July 25, 2023/inBlog, Gentle Teaching, Stories
Gentle Teaching Stories:
Before I started at COR, I believe I was largely a different person; I had very minimal encounters with individuals experiencing disabilities. Since starting at COR, I am extremely pleased and grateful for the experience that I’ve had. I have always prided myself on being a genuine person, and I think that has only been strengthened by the values that COR preaches. I believe that allowed me to fully embrace the values and beliefs at COR, in which I was able to carry into my personal life.
COR has changed me for the better, as I have become more compassionate, kind and patient within the lives of the ones that I love. I am able to take the four pillars of Gentle Teaching and apply them to my personal life when engaging with friends and family – especially in times when they need me most.
The way I am loving and engaged with friends and family has changed since learning Gentle Teaching. It has allowed me to optimize relationships – especially the ones that needed strengthening. Gentle Teaching has given me the tools to receive the most out of my interpersonal relationships. This philosophy teaches the importance of patience and time within the journey, the importance of small advancements rather than large, sudden change.
For my own family members who have experienced internal hardships, Gentle Teaching has taught me to keep running alongside them on their journey and never give up. A family member of mine has experienced mental illness for many, many years. After I learned about Gentle Teaching, it allowed me to take those tools and apply them to this specific situation.
Although this is difficult to do, Gentle Teaching has taught me to be patient and kind while we go through the journey together. No matter how long it takes for them to reach the ultimate goal or how much turbulence we experience on the journey, we must accept that and help when permitted.
Lastly, the philosophy of Gentle Teaching and supporting has created more introspection within myself and challenged me in ways that I have never been challenged before. I have learned things about myself that I never knew before, and just as much as I am supporting the individuals, they are supporting me at the same time. Isn’t that what this journey is all about? Learning and enhancing our skills and abilities, and bringing out the best in everyone!
COR family member