Gentle Teaching Stories:
Lessons and learning opportunities come from trust.
September 28, 2023/inBlog, Employment, Gentle Teaching, Stories
Gentle Teaching Stories:
Gentle Teaching has transformed the person I am because it has provided me with tools beyond being a support on how to be a gentle and warm friend, daughter, student, and colleague. Gentle Teaching has allowed me to put myself in other people’s shoes, understand and see situations differently, and maintain new and old relationships. Since being a support for COR, I have seen tremendous self-growth, not only in the workplace but in all aspects of my life. Being around people who think like me daily and who facilitate gentle teaching in their everyday lives allows for growth, education, and new friends and family.
I aspire to practice Gentle Teaching in all aspects of my life to continue this positive self-growth. I believe with experience and education; growth is a given. However, just because I am happy with who I have become, I still think there is an opportunity to continue this growth in the right direction. Gentle Teaching is something you must learn and practice.
I had a teaching moment in December with one of my study groups at the University. We talked about how we were raised and different parenting styles. We discussed punishment and reinforcement and asked, “Does it work?” I explained to my group that reinforcing or punishing individuals does not teach valuable lessons. I explained Gentle Teaching and the idea that people are bound to make mistakes. Making mistakes is a good thing; that is how we learn.
Creating a judgment-free environment and recognizing that mistakes were made is okay because “here is what we can do next time.” When I explained this to my classmates, they seemed engaged and interested in this perspective. I explained that my parenting style will be gentle teaching when I become a parent. Gentle Teaching is not a cap I put on when I enter the workplace; it is who I am and aspire to be.
COR Family Member