Meet The COR Family: Mandy Boersch

Hi, I’m Mandy! I am the Director of Health here at COR! I have been with COR since 2010 and found out about COR through my inlaws! They were neighbours with Michael and connected me to him! I was initially a Team Leader shortly after the organization was created. I left to go to Nursing School and then was approached for the current position I am in, 10 years ago!

My favourite project at COR would have to be building the health team to the capacity it is at now and seeing the endless possibilities it can be. Advocating for the level of health care the disability sector needs and working with like-minded health professionals in the community and country to further its goal is a great feeling! I feel so proud when I see any member of the health team take charge and work through high-demand situations with confidence and poise. Another proud moment was when a young man who had many struggles happening finally found a place where he could thrive and have a quality of life that I had never seen him experience before. He was one of the first people I met in COR and through the support of his team, Gentle Teaching, and a holistic approach to community health professionals he has been thriving for many years now which is the reason we are here.

Fun facts about me:

  • I love Harry Potter
  • My nickname growing up was Cactusjuice.
  • My first dog was a Puli named Moppy.
  • My sister Jillian is forever my inspiration in everything I do.
  • In my spare time I like to spend time with family and friends and our dog, watch all of the sports possible that our son participates in, ride horses and be around any animals really, be outside, have lake time, go to the gym (sometimes ;p), gardening and pickling and pretending to know how to grow house plants, playing Mario Kart, crib and scrabble, recently have found a new joy of trying to cook more complicated recipes occasionally!
  • Disney World and Universal Studios are my happy places!