This is Michael Clark. This is his WHY!

What’s Your Why?

COR has over 220 employees, all with different stories. This blog series will highlight some of the amazing people that work at COR and what fuels their passion and purpose.

This is Michael Clark. Michael is a support and has worked at COR for 3 years. This is his WHY!

What brought you to COR?

I originally was referred by Abigail Frasz. I have always had an interest in helping people and have kept in contact with people from my high school in Manitoba that experience a disability.

Why do you stay?

The people I support and the people I work with. The flexible schedule is also great!

What’s the best thing about your job?

The relationships I have with the individuals I support.

What’s been the most impactful or meaningful experience you’ve had?

Some of the trips I have gone on (Calgary & Toronto with Peter and Saskatoon with Patrick). Also getting to know the Danakas family has been a great pleasure.

What do you wish others knew about supporting at COR?

How rewarding it is. It’s rewarding in the way I’ve been able to build relationships with the people we serve. It’s rewarding to see how you can have such an impact on someone’s life and how much you can help be a positive influence as well. It really brings value to what we do.