
Dylan Morin is an extremely hard working and dedicated citizen in the Regina community.

Dylan Morin is an extremely hard working and dedicated citizen in the Regina community. His days are filled with student life, working part time for Dutch Industries, and volunteering for one of the countless clubs he is a part of. He makes himself available whenever he is needed and never shies away from a challenge. Dylan is everywhere.

Dylan is dedicated to his studies at the University of Regina. He is currently in his 4th and final year of the Campus For All and plans to graduate in the spring of 2018. When asked what his favorite part of being in school was, Dylan was quick to reply, “Meeting new people!” He also mentioned that once he graduates he really wants to continue his studies at the U of R auditing classes, furthering his education and broadening his scope of knowledge. In his own words, “There is so much information out there.”

At Dutch Industries, Dylan has developed a strong relationship with a family run business that is designed to “bring quality to its customers for generations.” It is this mantra and his personal connection to his boss Greg that keeps Dylan passionate about his work. When asked what he does at Dutch Industries, Dylan said proudly, “quality control and shipping. I package bolts for farming equipment across North America (Canada and the US) as well as the UK and then prepare them for shipping.”

His days are filled with student life, working part time for Dutch Industries

Another reason why Dylan enjoys his work at Dutch is because “they are great at helping [him] balance his time with what is important and the things he loves to do.” Dylan has been an amazing advocate for Friendship Club, Best Buddies, book club, Special Olympics bowling as well as track, and the Wind On My Wings Sailing Club to name a few. Being involved in his community and taking part in special events around Regina is something Dylan truly enjoys. In getting to know Dylan over the past couple years I have learned that his passion for serving others is unmatched. He is a fantastic public speaker and enjoys pounding the pavement looking to connect people and organizations, alike.

Finally I asked Dylan what his dreams were once he graduated from the University. Dylan replied without hesitation, “I make a good pay cheque already. I plan to keep working and saving. I will probably take some more classes but I don’t think much will change.” To conclude our interview I asked Dylan what his dream job would be if given the choice to do anything in the world to which he replied, “I would love to be a flight attendant for WestJet. I think it would be amazing to fly from Chicago to LA or even Vancouver again!” Dylan, with your passion and dedication to doing a thorough job, the sky is the limit.

Thank you for modelling passion and dedication, Dylan! We could all learn something from you.


Ben Morris,

Community Education and Outreach


Dutch Industries manager recognized for hiring people with intellectual disabilities

When Greg Cruson’s grandfather founded Dutch Industries in 1952, he believed in lending a hand to those facing employment barriers.

Now, 64 years later, Cruson, is carrying on that approach as general manager at the family’s Pilot Butte farm implement company.

Tonight, he’s getting an employer of excellence award at a Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres banquet in Regina for his role in hiring those with intellectual disabilities.

“It’s a bit of a shock,” Cruson said. “I didn’t even know I was nominated.”

Cruson said he believes very much in continuing the approach to hiring that his Dutch immigrant grandfather brought to Canada.

“Everybody we have working in the plant has some type of obstacle to their work, so there’s no reason why we can’t bring on people who have intellectual disabilities and find ways of accommodating them.”

One of those employees is Dylan Morin, who works as a bolt finisher, packer, and cleaner at the plant.

“The people are nice, caring, at times funny,” said Morin, who works three days a week at Dutch Industries.
He said it’s “awesome” Cruson is getting the award and is grateful for the opportunity to show what he is capable of.

“People with intellectual disabilities can do the job,” Morin said. “There’s no way they can’t do the job. It just takes patience.”


CBC Saskatchewan’s The Morning Edition

Posted: Oct 26, 2016

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